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Boston Globe
Boston Globe Magazine
Fast Company
Harvard Law Bulletin
Harvard Magazine
MIT Sloan Management Review
Nieman Reports
Nieman Storyboard
Technology Review
2006 articles
India's big plans for biodiesel
Technology Review
December 27, 2006: Researchers are developing new methods for cultivating a plant called jatropha.

Paper Chase
Venture Capital Journal
December 2006: Business plan competitions demand a substantial investment of time and money from venture capitalists. Are they worth it?

Vendor Management 101
CIO Insight
December 2006: For mid-market companies, it's a challenge to get the attention of vendors. But it can be done.

Is That A Genome In Your Pocket?
Popular Science
December 2006: Genomics pioneer George Church wants to make DNA sequencing as common as an eye exam

How We Did It: Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake, Flickr
December 2006: The inside story of how a groundbreaking Web site came to be.

A Workspace Makeover
December 2006: Technology to spruce up your desktop

Don't Let VOIP Throw You
November 15, 2006: Voice-over-IP projects often stall during or after pilot testing. Here’s hands-on advice from CIOs who kept their projects running.

Something for Nothing
November 2006: Cool software, free of charge

Grand Plans
Boston Globe Magazine
October 8, 2006: Mason & Hamlin comes back from the dead to take on Steinway

Lifting the bonnet
October 6, 2006: Amazon.com wants to be more than a retailer.

Sci-Fi Tech
October 1, 2006: Bendable displays, mind-reading PCs and other things that are moving from fiction to fact.

Ray Kurzweil: What's Next?
October 1, 2006: Sidebar to Sci-Fi Tech

A rubbish business model
September 21, 2006: Is the idea of turning worthless waste into valuable fuel too good to be true?

SOA: Getting Good Service
CIO Insight
October 2006: Service-oriented architectures have great promise, but are tricky to perfect.

Son of Southie
Boston Globe Magazine
September 17, 2006: All Souls’ author Michael Patrick MacDonald talks about his new memoir.

Nano Is Nice
Fast Company
September 2006: Bruce Stewart’s big plan to build a nanotech conglomerate.

Put Some Wow In Your Website
September 2006: Hot technologies to jazz up your dull Web site.

Your digital wallet
MIT Technology Review
August 24, 2006: Near-field communications may change what we do with cell phones.

Data Lockdown
August 2006: A guide to keeping your computer network safe.

Scan artist
Boston Globe Magazine
July 30, 2006: Dr. John Halamka has an RFID chip in his arm. Will this technology make hospitals work better?

Survival Guide for the Piano Showroom
New York Times
July 23, 2006: How to buy a piano you'll love.

Security-Penetration Testing
July 2006: Penetration tests are falling in popularity. Here’s how to make them valuable again.

Biology and the engineer
MIT Technology Review
July 2006: Inside the laboratory of Subra Suresh, who brings nano-scale engineering techniques to biology.

How to start a business for almost nothing
July 2006: Lesson 5: Use Cheap Web Tools (featuring Jason Fried of 37Signals).

Father figure
Boston Globe Magazine
June 18th, 2006: He hoped for Hawaii after a posting in Iraq, but the Rev. Richard M. Erikson's career path has led back to Boston. Cardinal Sean O'Malley's new number two talks about life on the Catholic Church's front lines.

Smarter Corporate Websites
MIT Technology Review
June 14, 2006: Baynote automates tagging to make searching company Web sites easier.

Artificial artificial intelligence
June 8th, 2006: For many tasks, humans outperform computers. So why not farm out computing tasks to people, not machines?

Humana tackles compliance early and often
CIO Insight
June 2006: While most companies still struggle to incorporate regulation into their business models, Humana has been there, done that.

Welcome to my blog
June 1, 2006: What a C-level executive should think about before blogging.

It's in the genes -- or is it?
Intelligent Life
Summer 2006: As costs tumble, DNA testing poses an increasing threat to people’s privacy – and even their livelihoods.

VoIP Comes Calling
June 2006: A guide to what’s hot with the hottest phone technology.

Blogging on the Go
MIT Technology Review
May 8, 2006: Helio and Mobispine signal a rise in mobile blogging

The Quest to Globalize HR
Global Services
May 2006: DuPont aims to develop a 'one world' approach to human resources.

Survival of the Richest
MIT Technology Review
April 19. 2006: MIT's Andrew Lo explains why some people are better at making money in the financial markets than others.

PCs for the masses
MIT Technology Review
April 4, 2006: Intel is making computers specifically designed for users in poor countries. Will anyone want them?

The Business Case for Paperless Medicine
April 1, 2006: A strong argument can now be made that doctors in small and midsize practices should invest in electronic health records. Here’s how to get your physicians on board.

The Electronic Bogeyman
April 1, 2006: Sidebar to The Business Case for Paperless Medicine

Students get trained in E-medicine
April 1, 2006: Sidebar to The Business Case for Paperless Medicine

Lots of room for investors eager to cure oil addiction
Venture Capital Journal
April 2006: Biofuels aren’t yet overwhelmed by venture capital investing.

The Name Game
April 1, 2006: Tagging lets users describe the world in their own terms, as taxonomies become ‘folksonomies.’

Immersion Artist
Boston Globe Magazine
March 26, 2006: “The Lady and the Panda” author Vicki Constantine Croke gets personal.

MIT Technology Review
March/April 2006: By combining nanotech with cell biology, Subra Suresh hopes to produce fresh understanding of disease

Intel’s Medicine Man
MIT Technology Review
March 20, 2006: Eric Dishman has an Rx for America’s healthcare problems

Will Google threaten Microsoft Office?
MIT Technology Review
March 16, 2006: Writely purchase raises the question.

Brother's Keeper
Boston Globe Magazine
March 12, 2006: Ken Dornstein pens a powerful biography about his deceased brother -- and himself.

Beyond Google: Collective Searching
MIT Technology Review
March 8, 2006: Boxxet launches a new kind of social search.

Where the money is
Nature Biotech
March 2006: US investors have bankrolled biotech. Is that about to change?

Wanna Play?
Venture Capital Journal
March 2006: VCs are upping the frequency and size of their bets on gamaing cmoapnies. Will they win big or crap out?

The Profit Pipeline
CIO Insight
February 2006: Business intelligence software helps United Pipe & Supply

Intel's hiring spree
MIT Technology Review
February 14, 2006: The world's biggest chipmaker is hiring, but the resumes it wants might surprise you.

Importing Talent: the H1-B Visa Regime
Global Services
February 2006: How does a good business manager handle the H1-B hot potato?

Going up against Google
February 2006: When Google entered Technorati's market, could founder David Sifry get away with sticking to his plan?

Tools You Can Use -- Seriously
January 4, 2006: Faster, cheaper, more effective -- is this really marketing technology we're talking about?

Kimberly-Clark Believes in the Future of RFID
CIO Insight
January 2006: An inside look at the future of RFID in corporate America - and your corner store.

  Michael Fitzgerald is a leading voice in the movement to revive the Old Journalism. A fervent believer that print will rise again, he works to slip slice-of-life stories into hip urban periodicals, tuck thoughtful narratives amongst the well-endowed pages of men’s magazines and place Byronic polemical poems into avant-garde reviews.

Michael's Blog


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