2005 articles
Copyleft Hits a Snag
MIT Technology Review
December 21, 2005: Incompatibilities among "copyleft" licenses meant to promote the sharing of creative work could end up preventing it, says cyber-law expert Lawrence Lessig.
Finding savings around the fire
New York Times
December 11, 2005: Wood stove sales soar along with fuel prices. But the stoves have costs of their own.
The end is virtually nigh
December 10, 2005: How the inhabitants of an online game respond to the end of their virtual world.
Market, market on the wall...
December 10, 2005: Why don't technology firms use prediction markets to spot trends?
How to navigate China's nascent M&A market
Venture Capital Journal
December 2005: Here's how one startup managed to pull off an unprecedented deal.
Narrative Is Tough, Even for an Experienced Journalist
DoubleTake/Points of Entry
Spring 2006: Call it feature shock. A sad tale of my first effort at writing a feature.
The $2.6 Billion Dollar Men
December 2005: Skype founders Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis are among 2005's top entreprenuers.
San Francisco
December 2005: The serious world of game designer Jane McGonigal.
Plane Talker
Boston Globe Magazine
November 20, 2005: Zany entrepreneur Peter Shankman wants to make flying more fun.
Corporate Ethnography
MIT Technology Review
November 16, 2005: A once obscure field has a coming out party.
Anatomy of a Merger
November 2005: A Silicon Valley start-up buys a Chinese company.
Medical Super Models
November 2005: What's a good death? Ask a computer.
SAS 70
November 2005: SAS 70 audits are being misused. Here’s the right way to approach them.
Boston Globe Magazine
October 16, 2005: Skye Lewin nets an Emmy nomination.
How to Write a Memorable Memo
October 15, 2005: The 5 questions to answer when writing a business memo.
Hearing Multiple Signals
MIT Technology Review
October 2005: MIMO promises faster, more powerful Wi-Fi. Does it work?
Why Cornice Said, "No, Thanks" to Apple
October 2005: Was it nuts to pass on supplying a piece for the iPod Mini?
Use your cell phone instead of your credit card
PC World
September 19, 2005: Cell phone wallets are supposed to be the future. For the present, pickings are thin.
Decoder Device
Boston Globe Magazine
September 4, 2005: Husband-and-wife team gin up tool for fighting AIDS.
In Search of Happy Numbers
August 2005: Dr. Martin Weinstock thinks he knows how to cut melanoma deaths in half.
Hot Shot Digital Cameras
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
August 9, 2005: A vacationer's guide to digital cameras.
Printer Power
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
August 9, 2005: Sidebar to Hot Shot Digital Cameras
Got Video?
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
August 9, 2005: Sidebar to Hot Shot Digital Cameras
Turning Vendors Into Partners
August 2005: Want great customer service? Look for a business like yours.
Apple Switches to Intel Chips
MIT Technology Review
August 2005: Apple sees greater risk in staying with IBM than leaving for Intel.
Printer Power
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
August 9, 2005: Sidebar to Hot Shot Digital Cameras
Got Video?
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
August 9, 2005: Sidebar to Hot Shot Digital Cameras
VCs Psyched over Brain Investments
Venture Capital Journal
August 2005: Neuro-startups look like smart money to venture capitalists.
Sax Educator
Boston Globe Magazine
July 31, 2005: Meet Eric Hewitt, the youngest-ever department chair at the Boston Conservatory.
No Place to Hide
July 2005: Data theft is in the spotlight, and marketers who ignore it do so at their own peril.
Magical History Tour
July 15, 2005: Museums are making magic with pervasive technology.
Boston Globe Magazine
July 10, 2005: New Boston Phoenix editor Bill Jensen.
Boston Globe Magazine
June 26, 2005: Dana Adam Shapiro bursts onto the culture scene.
The Innovation Arms Race
CIO Insight
June 2005: Is the U.S. in danger of losing its grip on the global economy?
Google, meet TiVo
June 9, 2005: The new frontier for search engines is to make video clips as easy to search as text.
Group Rethink
MIT Technology Review
June 2005: Groups may be smarter than we give them credit for.
Five Card Studs
San Francisco
June 2005: Meet Deva Hazarika, venture gambler.
E3 Preview
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
May 17, 2005: A look at the wonders of the biggest gaming show.
Gaming Hardware
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
May 17, 2005: Sidebar to 'E3 Preview.'
The Quiet Ones
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
May 17, 2005: Sidebar to 'E3 Preview.'
CIO Insight
May 2005: Can ADP use technology to turn its parts into a more profitable whole?
Research in Development
MIT Technology Review
May 2005: IBM Research gets serious about services.
What Makes F&A Outsourcing Tick?
Managing Offshore
May 2005: Finance and accounting is the next big area of business process outsourcing.
Mobile Nightmares
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
April 5, 2005: Your cell phone is safe from cyber attack -- for now.
Bluetooth Blues
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
April 5, 2005: Sidebar to 'Mobile Nightmares.'
Tools of the Trade
Yahoo! Tech Tuesday
April 5, 2005: Sidebar to 'Mobile Nightmares.'
Data Dump
February 2005: Bad data does bad things to bottom lines
Podcasting: Talk is Cheap
San Francisco
April 2005: The Internet's talk radio takes off in San Francisco.
Reinventing RFPs
Managing Offshore
February 2005: Mess up your RFP and you’ll mess up your offshore outsourcing deal.
Branching Out
CIO Insight
February 2005: How Commerce Bank uses technology to put the fast food into banking.