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Boston Globe
Boston Globe Magazine
Fast Company
Harvard Law Bulletin
Harvard Magazine
MIT Sloan Management Review
Nieman Reports
Nieman Storyboard
Technology Review
2010 articles
Mister Act
Boston Globe Magazine
December 12, 2010: Since moving to Cambridge from Millis, I've hardly met an adult who does not want to be a on a first-name basis with my kids.

What We Miss about MIS
October 1, 2010: 5 old school ideas that weren’t so bad

The Grill: Patricia Calkins
August 23, 2010: Xerox's green maven drives efficiency and reduces waste from the plant floor on up.

The Grill: Sridhar Vembu
August 9, 2010: Zoho's founder debunks the myths of education.

How Puritans Became Capitalists
Boston Globe
August 1, 2010: In “Heavenly Merchandize,” Mark Valeri shows when Boston’s dour preachers became market converts.

Take Us to the River
Fast Company
July/August 2010: How Warner Music is trying to innovate its way out of the music industry’s digital doldrums.

How content management helps an orchestra keep in tune with customers
June 15, 2010: The San Francisco Symphony uses social archiving to help it keep in tune with its audience.

The Grill: Fred Brooks
June 7, 2010: The father of the IBM System/360 reveals his secrets for great design

15 must-have local apps
Boston Globe Magazine
May 23, 2010: These apps will pump up local IQs for Boston-area smart phone users.

Microsoft’s New Office Faces the Web
Technology Review
April 12, 2010: Microsoft's next Office will step more firmly into the cloud.

Managing Those Forgotten Mechanical Keys
March 2010: Access cards rule the office day. But forgetting about mechanical keys can cost you.

When IT projects founder, emotions run high
March 11, 2010: Techies aren't seen as emotional, but when projects end badly, feelings run high.

A new way of thinking about social networks and the world
Boston Globe
March 9, 2010: “Connected,” by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler, shows the past, present and future of humans as social beings.

Powering up your resume
Boston Globe Magazine
March 7, 2010: In tough times, spamming the world with the same old resume just doesn’t cut it. Don’t give up -- change your strategy.

Parking Lots and Garages: Security Factors
March 2010: Examining the Achilles' heel of corporate security.

Genesis, the soap opera
Boston Globe
January 17, 2010: John Coats reclaims the first book of the Bible for the nonreligious

  Michael Fitzgerald is a leading voice in the movement to revive the Old Journalism. A fervent believer that print will rise again, he works to slip slice-of-life stories into hip urban periodicals, tuck thoughtful narratives amongst the well-endowed pages of men’s magazines and place Byronic polemical poems into avant-garde reviews.

Michael's Blog


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