2010 articles
Mister Act
Boston Globe Magazine
December 12, 2010: Since moving to Cambridge from Millis, I've hardly met an adult who does not want to be a on a first-name basis with my kids.
What We Miss about MIS
October 1, 2010: 5 old school ideas that weren’t so bad
The Grill: Patricia Calkins
August 23, 2010: Xerox's green maven drives efficiency and reduces waste from the plant floor on up.
The Grill: Sridhar Vembu
August 9, 2010: Zoho's founder debunks the myths of education.
How Puritans Became Capitalists
Boston Globe
August 1, 2010: In “Heavenly Merchandize,” Mark Valeri shows when Boston’s dour preachers became market converts.
Take Us to the River
Fast Company
July/August 2010: How Warner Music is trying to innovate its way out of the music industry’s digital doldrums.
How content management helps an orchestra keep in tune with customers
June 15, 2010: The San Francisco Symphony uses social archiving to help it keep in tune with its audience.
The Grill: Fred Brooks
June 7, 2010: The father of the IBM System/360 reveals his secrets for great design
15 must-have local apps
Boston Globe Magazine
May 23, 2010: These apps will pump up local IQs for Boston-area smart phone users.
Microsoft’s New Office Faces the Web
Technology Review
April 12, 2010: Microsoft's next Office will step more firmly into the cloud.
Managing Those Forgotten Mechanical Keys
March 2010: Access cards rule the office day. But forgetting about mechanical keys can cost you.
When IT projects founder, emotions run high
March 11, 2010: Techies aren't seen as emotional, but when projects end badly, feelings run high.
A new way of thinking about social networks and the world
Boston Globe
March 9, 2010: “Connected,” by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler, shows the past, present and future of humans as social beings.
Powering up your resume
Boston Globe Magazine
March 7, 2010: In tough times, spamming the world with the same old resume just doesn’t cut it. Don’t give up -- change your strategy.
Parking Lots and Garages: Security Factors
March 2010: Examining the Achilles' heel of corporate security.
Genesis, the soap opera
Boston Globe
January 17, 2010: John Coats reclaims the first book of the Bible for the nonreligious